Industries we target

See what we look for when acquiring a business

This is a very high level overview of businesses that we would be interested in buying along with further information on why we’re interested in the space.

Civil Engineering Contractors

We look for companies in the space who are established operators with a great team behind them.

We look at this space due to its heavy involvement in our countries infrastructure along with the demonstrated ability to withstand economic shifts due to the long term projects and stability they create within our portfolio while also being in a sector which has high barriers to entry.

Utilities Contractors

The ability for specific operators to gain further long term contracts and stability for their business within this industry is a key factor in our decision to explore it further.

Utilities are an integral part of our daily lives and an essential to developing our nation further. By putting a wide spread network of utilities businesses in place, we will be able to grow our presence throughout the nation while introducing other efficiencies.

Crane Operators

Most of our towns & cities will be developed in one primary way & that’s up. We’ve seen 5 story buildings become 50 story sky scrapers and crane services are integral to this alongside other avenues such as specialised heavy load lifting etc.

Having a great team and tangible assets creates a barrier to entry within the industry which is expected to continue seeing a rise in demand for many years ahead.

Facility Management Companies

Janitorial/Cleaning services is our primary focus within this space due to the recurring revenue and security that it creates. We are currently looking for facility management companies which are leaders within their field.

Yet again, we must stress that for the business to match our criteria it must have a management team or second in command who can manage daily operations.

Criteria Outside of Industry

We buy strong, proven businesses.

All of our target companies are strong businesses in their own right with a proven trading history and excellent management team. Take a look at some other stuff that’s important to us when evaluating a business.

  • Management team in place already or potential to promote from within the business to manage daily operations and implement our future growth plans.

  • Businesses turning over anything from £1m-£10m

  • Businesses with a net profit figure between £500k-£2m

  • An owner who wants their business and team to go to the right people who can care for and grow the business

  • A business with a strong balance sheet with a debt to asset ratio less than 35% typically

  • A business which can add value to our portfolio through strategic alliances with our other businesses.

  • More than 5 years, preferably 10 years+ in business.

Does your business fit our criteria?

What will we do with your business?

This question is probably top of your mind and for good reason at that.

Our teams implement HR, Financial, Operational, Marketing and put organic and inorganic methods in place to support and build the company from the ground up once we are involved.

With a few decades of experience under our belt within the team and access to a network of outside consultants and advisors specialising in the fields we acquire in, we typically can make good changes happen rather fast to improve company stability & poise it for future growth.

A few of the other things which we work to centralise or introduce within the businesses we acquire;

Human Resources

Our HR team is one of the best in the business and cares for our people. We can ensure our teams are looked after properly through bringing this function in house.


Our accounts team are meticulous in their approach to our acquired businesses cash management & will continue normal day to day operations while making the accounting side of the business more streamlined.


The businesses we typically acquire traditionally need the help of our marketing teams to place them in-front of the right audience. We manage all this in house with Google PPC campaigns, social campaigns, direct lettering & more.

Outside Expertise

We don’t think we know it all – far from it. We often times look to external consultants and advisors who tailor specific plans to develop our businesses further while staying true to the brand and its customers.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

We’re entrepreneurs first, investors second. Getting our hands dirty to help our teams is exactly what we want to do to create the true value post acquisition. We want our businesses to succeed just like you do.

Time Efficiencies

We don’t do long meetings with no outcomes. We stick to short, actionable meetings where we can impact our businesses most. Teams will see direct improvements once we’re involved rather quickly.

Next Steps

Want to move forward with us in selling your business?

Are we the right buyer for your business?

If you’ve seen enough and you would like to speak with us regarding potentially selling your business, get in touch. We’re excited to hear from you.