

Learn about us & our values - see if they align with yours

Who we are

Our qualified team has driven companies to success

From start ups to large corporations, our team has been involved in the success of many different businesses. We’re ready to go again, could it be with you this time?

  • Entrepreneurial team driven by stability and future growth opportunities.
  • Experienced advisors & consultants surround the group while providing guidance.
  • People who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and help our companies when they need it most.
What we do

We’re a boutique private equity company buying SME’s

Our goals are very simple – we find the right company, we acquire it, push our resources towards it and leverage our wide spread network to bring efficiencies and opportunities to the acquired business.

The people within our network are our biggest asset and we work alongside the teams in an incentivised way to produce change which drives future stability and growth in our businesses.

Unlike others, we are not afraid to get our hands dirty and help our portfolio companies when in need – we’re entrepreneurs by nature and as you will know – often times find ourselves more involved than we first thought!

Through our ambitious teamwork and network of contacts, we introduce cost savings and abundance’s of new opportunities which benefit the business greatly.


Meet our team

Our experienced team can stabilise & grow your business

This is our primary deal team who will communicate & work with you on a day to day basis. Outside of this, we have a vast network of external advisors and consultants specialised in each industry we purchase within.

Kurtis Taylor


Robert Daly


Khizar Sharif

M&A Advisor

Lee Anderson-Frogley

Chief Financial Officer

Frequently asked questions

It’s normal to have a lot of questions regarding selling your business & the potential team who will take over it moving forward, please see some FAQ’s here

How long will it take to sell my business?2023-06-28T13:24:11+01:00

From initial contact through to conducting due diligence and eventually getting you paid, we typically like to have it all done within 12-16 weeks. We do need help from you to get that done within that period which will include gathering the essential information we require to conduct due diligence in a timely matter. Things can run on from this time period however this is our target. We have a full checklist of due diligence information which we require – you can get that by contacting our team today.

Why sell my business to BGB Acquisitions?2023-06-28T13:23:38+01:00

The team have decades worth of operational experience throughout different sectors. We have taken start ups and scaled them successful towards an exit, worked within established PLC’s to deliver change & consulted to some major players. We’re here to buy successful companies which we can really get behind, empower a team and push towards our goals. We also don’t just buy any business – they must add value to our group and future proposition.

What will happen to my team when I sell?2023-06-28T13:22:00+01:00

We’re in the business of keeping people in their jobs & we never buy companies to conduct mass lay-off operations. We’re a family-first type business where we realise our people are our greatest asset. The people who have conducted your businesses needs and obligations will continue to be kept in the business and we will work alongside them to empower that team, not get rid of it. Ideally, we will also introduce incentives for them to benefit from as we grow the business together.

How will I get paid after selling my business?2023-06-28T13:20:13+01:00

When conducting our acquisitions, we typically introduce new debt to our acquired companies to pay a portion of the agreed price alongside our own equity & other potential financing options. We only ever buy a business if we can guarantee without a level of doubt that the company will be able to continue servicing any new debt introduced during the acquisition. To speak with us more and ask any questions, get in touch.

Can my company afford the new debt?2023-06-28T13:19:19+01:00

Once you’ve decided we’re the right people to buy your business, we will request information such as management accounts, filed accounts alongside other pieces of information which we need in order to conduct financial due diligence. The company and its ability to service any type of new debt will be seriously called into question and we will ensure our financials are correct down to the penny. If in any level of doubt, the transaction will be paused to highlight these concerns and address potential options moving forward. We will never put your company in jeopardy.

What information will you need from me to start selling my business?2023-06-28T13:16:28+01:00

If you’re ready to proceed, we would need the following information to begin due diligence and carry conversations forward;

  • Previous 3 years full filed accounts.
  • Previous 3 months management accounts highlighting both financial performance & assets/liabilities.
  • Asset schedule showing what assets the company owns.
  • Background on the business.
Ready when you are

We’re here to get a deal done

Time is our second greatest asset alongside our team, we take our time & your time very seriously meaning that if we can do a deal, we’ll tell you. If we don’t think we can work together, we’ll also be the first ones to let you know.

Here’s a short list providing an overview of information we require to start the conversation of selling your business to us.

  • Previous 3 years full filed accounts.
  • Management accounts for last 3 months.
  • Background on the business.
  • Asset/Liability schedule showing companies position.

Seen enough?

Are you ready to sell your business?

Contact our team today to start the conversation and see if you can exit your business within the next 12-16 weeks.

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